2022-05-17 23:13:16
Even though I was pretty tired all day as I was rudely awoken by a peacock at 04:44 this morning, and eventually gave up trying to get back to sleep just after 06:00, I had a weirdly productive day today.
My Always Developing session went well, with me finishing off the search box for the new Snippet Pixie GUI app's list snippets screen. I think it's looking and working pretty good, even if I say so myself.
At work I did a tonne of writing, screenshotting, and video recording for an upcoming blog post, and worked out a nice way to proceed with my next big piece of development.
In the evening I updated, rebuilt, tested and pushed out changes to three open source projects, and tested a fix to a service I use.
Oh, and I wrote a long over due microblog post. 😉
"2022-05-17 23:13:16" was published on May 17, 2022.